About KC

As a long-time progressive activist, I cut my Oregon political teeth in the 1990s as my LGBTQ community was under repeated, nasty assault from the rightwing. Between 1992 and 2000, there were 3 hideous anti-LGBTQ initiatives that we battled, and we prevailed on each one.

As the new millennium dawned, I recognized the need to fight for LGBTQ rights within the Democratic Party - especially after we lost the 2004 initiative fight against Measure 36, which banned LGBT Marriage Equality. In 2005, with a team of Party activists, we restarted the DPO GLBT caucus. We not only pushed the Party itself to a better LGBTQ place but helped the Party push for better LGBTQ public policy.

My issue advocacy broadened, as well, as I worked, lobbied, and campaigned for election integrity, health care for all, racial equity, and social justice.

My roles further transitioned as I moved into Party leadership - first as Vice Chair and then as Chair of the Multnomah Democrats. From that point forward, my energy was focused on ELECTING Democrats. It became clear to me that the only way we were - and the only way we ARE - going to get progressive policies in place is by ensuring we elect Democrats and Democratic majorities.

Simply put, if Democrats aren’t elected, millions pay the price. The horror of the Trump Administration and its aftermath has shown us that. I have a PROVEN track record as a get-it-done campaigner, party volunteer, issue advocate, and a Chair who elects Democrats - whether during a pandemic or the 2022 GOP tsunami in Oregon.

I hope to earn your support so I can continue to do that work as Chair of Oregon’s Democratic Party. Sincerely, KC

KC’s Political Resume

2022 - present; member, Voter Protection Committee, ASDC*
2019 - present; Chair, Democratic Party of Oregon
2019 - present; member, *Association of State Democratic Committees (as Party Chair)
2005 - present; Precinct Committee Person, Outer SE Portland (2018-present, Gresham)
2019; Sponsor Coordinator, Mult Dems "Celsi" Fundraiser (Sponsors: $34, 400)
2017- 2019; DPO Caucuses Assistant Liaison
2018; Mult Dems Slate Card Coordinator, (Jan. M. 101; May Primary)
2018; Coordinating Committee Lew Frederick fundraiser (Gross $14,000)
2018; Sponsor Coordinator, Mult Dems "Celsi" Fundraiser (Sponsors: $31,000)
2012- 2018; Blue Oregon contributing writer
2017; Coordinating Committee HCAO fundraiser (Gross $35,000)
2015 - 2017; LGBT Caucus Chair
2013 - 2017; DPO SCC Delegation Chair, (Multnomah County)
2006 - 2017; DPO SCC Delegation member (Multnomah)
2013 - 2014; Consulted various campaigns*
2013; - DPO Wayne Morris Volunteer of the Year
2009 - 2013;  DPO Executive Committee, Metro Regional Rep.
2008, 2012; Oregon PLEO Delegate, Democratic National Convention
Jan 2008 - Feb 2013; Multnomah Democratic Party Chair
2005 - 2011; Executive Committee GLBT Caucus of the DPO 
May 2007 - Jan 2008; Multnomah Democratic Party Vice Chair
2005 - 2008;  DPO State Platform Committee Member
2005-2007; Executive Director, Oregon Voter Rights Coalition
2005- 2006; Chair, DPO Ad Hoc Committee to develop action plan for Platform Priorities
2005; Charter member GLBT Caucus of the DPO (newly re-formed, 2005)
2004; General Election, (August-November) Coordinator, Portland Saturday Market Tabling Coordinator for Presidential campaign (Carry Oregon) - (included logistical set-up for No on 36)
2004; Primary Election, Volunteer with Dennis Kucinich campaign
2004, 2000, 1994*, 1992; Initiative field work on behalf of LGBT Community
1991-1992; TWIST (Seattle based NW LGBT newspaper) contributing writer
1991-1993; Executive Board, No on Hate, Portland

*paid staffer

Let's Keep Our Momentum Going!

Hi Friends, As the Chair of the Democratic Party of Oregon, I have been challenged and humbled by the demands and opportunities of this po...