My Platform

KC's Platform - The Issues

Here is my Platform

One of the jobs of the Chair is to support the DPO Platform, and particularly promote the items that Oregon Democrats prioritize at the Party's Platform Convention. The Chair may also be guided and directed by the State Central Committee, via Party resolution, to advocate for certain issues. My personal issue advocacy, and political work history, has centered around LGBTQ rights, election reform, social justice, and health care. If we recall the history of progressive reform in this nation, it all started with Union organizing, and I emphatically believe that forging the coalition of Labor and Environmental advocacy is not only politically essential but describes the future of the Good America that we all envision.

KC's Platform - The Party… for the WIN

I want to be clear here: 2022 was such a tough election it made 2020 look like a cakewalk, yet Oregon Democrats performed like champions. The red wave may not have flooded the nation, but a tsunami of GOP cash had crashed on to Oregon shores, and we were targeted by national GOP orgs and money-bloated right wing PACS, as well as Phil Knight - whose most recent expensive obsession was his unsuccessful effort to defeat Tina Kotek. Unlike any other state in the nation, HALF of our congressional seats, including the new 6th District, were regarded as “swing” and were without incumbents. The Oregon GOP recruited established and known GOP candidates to the state legislative races, as we simultaneously saw a record number of Democratic retirements.

Between inflation, the ever-present vilification of Portland from all points beyond Portland, the afore-mentioned red cash wave and the 3-way Governor’s race, things were looking pretty scary. But YOU came through, with every phone call, door knock, lit. piece and defiant Democratic yard sign. Whether on a campaign phone bank, working Neighborhood Leader turf, or dropping slate on that hilly street that seems steeper every time you walk it, YOU worked it and YOU won it.

The Democratic Party of Oregon is highly regarded by Democratic leaders throughout the country because we keep winning - even in lousy political conditions. But it is that high regard, and the almost automatic assumption that Oregon will go blue, that has stoked my conversations with DNC officials; "Do NOT ignore the blues states; do NOT ignore Oregon".

Oregon is blue because YOU show up in every election and build your County Parties and Caucuses along the way. We are forged blue and strong, but to maintain strength, we must keep working out and striving to be better. We must broaden our tent in the representation of diverse and under-represented communities at the same time we up our game in supporting our rural and frontier Democrats.

None of this is easy, but together, we can get it done.

Let's Keep Our Momentum Going!

Hi Friends, As the Chair of the Democratic Party of Oregon, I have been challenged and humbled by the demands and opportunities of this po...