Democratic Leaders around the country support KC

Morgan Carroll

Colorado Democratic Party

It is my sincerest hope that KC Hanson is re-elected as Chairwoman of the Oregon Democratic Party. It has been great to see all she has accomplished, and see the huge Oregon Democratic wins under her leadership. I know it took us 6 years to transform the Colorado Democratic Party from red to purple to blue. Organizing to win takes time because it is about building relationships over time. All of us have needed some trial and error to continue learning and improving with each term. State Parties that transition leadership too often have lost seats.

Who controls the White House and the US House will very much depend on Oregon. We have seen the hard work KC has done and the advocacy KC is doing for Democrats in Oregon (and advocacy for all our western states). Please recognize that hard work, dedication and irreplaceable experience and re-elect KC as Chair.

Yvette Lewis

Maryland Democratic Party

As Chair of the ASDC (Association of State Democratic Committees) Voter Protection Committee, I have had the pleasure of working with Oregon Democratic Party Chair KC Hanson. She has become one of my most reliable and effective committee members. Not only did KC do an exemplary job in completing her state research assignments, but she developed a template with which other Committee members could more easily complete their work. KC is a champion for voter protection, not just in Oregon, but nationwide. Please re-elect her as Democratic Party of Oregon Chair - we need her back on the Voter Protection Committee as we move into 2024.

Manny Crespin

Vice Chair
New Mexico Democratic Party

I'm Manny Crespin, Vice Chair of the New Mexico Democratic Party, and I want to tell you about just a bit of the work my friend KC Hanson is doing. As a state party vice chair, I know that party members only see a small portion of what state chairs do, so I want to shed more light on KC's engagement at the national level.

I have seen DNC members and state party leaders come and go at the DNC and ASDC (Association of State Democratic Committees), and among her peers KC Hanson stands out as a leader - not because of any position or title, but because of her work ethic and her drive to make national leadership pay attention to all 57 states and territories. KC is working hard at ASDC and at the DNC in advocating for Oregon and other states often ignored during the Presidential cycle. KC is proposing a plan that ensures all states - whether blue like Oregon and New Mexico or red like Utah - get a base level of tangible presidential campaign resources. This means campaign product for every state and every county in the country. This means campaign energy for every state and every county in the country.

This is a tough fight that KC has taken on early, and for sure, Presidential campaigns operate from a centralized philosophy, but KC knows that a base level of resources everywhere will energize Democrats everywhere. Those isolated Democrats in the high desert of New Mexico to those east of the Oregon Cascades who are able to get a piece of the campaign will buy-in not only to the Presidential campaign, but to down ballot and future Democratic campaigns. It's simple and brilliant, and it will help grow our party throughout the country.

Therefore, my ask of you is also simple. Re-elect KC. We need her at the national level, and you need her fighting for Oregon.

Michelle Regalado Deatrick

DNC Council on
the Environment
and Climate Crisis

I am delighted to endorse KC Hanson for re-election as Chair of the Oregon Democratic Party. An experienced, dedicated and effective leader, KC is a coalition builder and team player who knows every aspect of campaigning from the ground up. She is a keen strategist and political thinker and I deeply value her insights on environmental and climate issues at the DNC, and electoral issues nationally. KC has always been a strong supporter of the DNC Environment and Climate Crisis Council and of our work for a rapid transition to renewable energy and a more just, sustainable future. She works hard, she works smart, and she has my enthusiastic support.

Michelle Regalado Deatrick
Chair, DNC Council on the Environment and Climate Crisis.
National Advisory Boards: Climate Power, OnePointFive Climate Pledge
Select Boards: Huron Valley Area Labor Fed, Huron Workers' Organizing Center, SE MI Land Conservancy
Member, UAW 2320

Tina Podlodowski

Former Chair
Washington State Democrats

I’ve had no better partner in the fight to recognize the Climate Crisis as integral to the Democratic presidential nomination process than KC! As a new chair and member of the DNC, KC jumped right in when I launched our efforts to push the DNC to host a Climate Crisis Debate. She collected hundreds of Oregon's signatures from activists and elected Democrats, spoke passionately to the body of the DNC about the impact of the Crisis on our Great Northwest, and helped push the Climate Crisis up the priority ladder. We can’t stop now - and we can’t lose her voice. Please re-elect KC as Chair of the Oregon Democrats. In her you have a great leader, and I have a great partner as we fight for Northwest progressive values!

Oscar Mata

Vice Chair
Utah Democratic Party

I enthusiastically support KC for another term leading Oregon Democrats. As a Vice Chair of a western state I know how hard it is to get DNC support out to this side of the country. Despite that, KC’s steady leadership and energy were critical in finding resources for Oregon during one of its most consequential and successful election cycles. I encourage all Oregon Democrats to vote to continue the remarkable leadership of Chair Hanson for a successful 2024.

National Endorsers

Saily Avelenda, Executive Director, New Jersey Democratic State Committee
Joe Barbuto, Chair, Democratic Party of Wyoming
Ray Buckley, Chair, New Hampshire Democratic Party
Shasti Conrad, Chair, Washington State Democrats
Manny Crespin, VIce Chair, Democratic Party of New Mexico
Michelle Deatrich, Chair, DNC Environmental Council
Lucas Fralick, Deputy Director, Wyoming Democrats
David Green, VIce Chair, Washington State Democrats
Ryan Greene, Executive Director, Wyoming Democrats
Nola Hix, Executive Director, Northern Marianas Democratic Party
Vicki Hiatt, Chair, Kansas Democratic Party
Diane Lewis, Chair, Utah Democratic Party
Oscar Mata, Vice Chair, Utah Democratic Party
Erin O'Doherty, Vice Chair, Wyoming Democrats
Edgar Pando, Executive Director, Kansas Democratic Party
Tina Podlodowski, former Chair, Washington State Democrats
Bobbie Richardson, Chair, North Carolina Democratic Party
Trav Robertson, Chair, South Carolina Democratic Party
Peg Schaffer, Vice Chair, New Jersey Democratic State Committee
Bev Ulenhake, Chair, Maine Democrats
Deb Kozikowski, Massachusetts Vice Chair
Jesse Maldonado, former Vice Chair, Idaho Democratic Party
Eric Procter, Vice Chair, Oklahoma Democratic Party
Casey Steinau, Vice Chair, Alaska Democratic Party
Michael Wenstrup, Chair, Alaska Democratic Party
Morgan Carroll, Chair, Colorado Democrats

"I have watched KC really grow into a national influencer. I cannot imagine a better chair for Oregon and colleague at the national level during what will be another tumultuous cycle in 2024."

Deb Kozikowski, Massachusetts Vice Chair

"I wholeheartedly support KC Hanson for Oregon Democratic Party chair. She has been a tremendous advocate for the Oregon party. In my opinion, changing leaders in these critical times is ill advised."

Peg Schaffer, NJ Vice Chair

Let's Keep Our Momentum Going!

Hi Friends, As the Chair of the Democratic Party of Oregon, I have been challenged and humbled by the demands and opportunities of this po...