These Oregon Democrats tell how KC DELIVERS

Donna Nyberg

DPO Labor Caucus Chair

I could start at the beginning of KC’s involvement with labor but let’s go to the most recent:

The call went out to support CertainTeed workers

"CERTAINTEED STRIKE IN PORTLAND: CertainTeed workers represented by LiUNA Local 737 have been on strike since February 22. On Friday, March 10 the workers will once again meet with management and it’s critical they have a strong showing of support from the Oregon Labor Movement as they walk into their meeting."

…and who shows up but KC Hanson. It’s that important that she shows up, in person, on the line supporting the workers. She wanted them to see her as a member of the Labor Community with the support of the DPO and a worker bee herself.

What it comes down to is KC wears many hats, administrator, recruiter-in chief, fundraiser, problem solver. Oregon has a long history of rural and urban working together to fight for unity on issues for a better life in Oregon. KC has straddled that divide between our communities. Rural vs urban; labor vs nonunion always expanding our past successes for a better more inclusive tomorrow. Throughout the pandemic, KC has managed to keep us connected, interacting and winning. She has done so with her positive and I’ll sleep when I’m dead attitude.

KC is a Labor Activist with a history of progressive and liberal activism. KC is always willing to fight for the ideals championed by Labor and the DPO, such as;

  • the hard work of middle-class families should be rewarded,
  • the economy should work for everyone,
  • our diversity is our strength,
  • democracy is worth defending and
  • every person should be treated with dignity and respect

…and the DPO staff is Union Strong..... which happened under KC's watch.

Let's RE-ELECT KC. She is on the line with us and we should be on the line with her!

Enrique Arias

Former Chair of
the Faith Caucus and
Common Good Pac Founder

Without KC Hanson's help, creating a get-out-the-vote radio ad targeting the LatinX population would have never been possible.

When Common Good Pac was created in 2012, our first goal was to ask the Latino community for their votes to support the Democrats. The ads would be directed to the Latino population in Oregon. The ad was titled, A Better Life, and recorded in English and Spanish. When KC heard about the ad plan she approached me and offered help, and KC took on the fundraising. She sold the concept to Metro and Willamette Valley County Democratic parties, and she raised the money needed to place the ad buy for broadcast up and down the Willamette Valley and the Oregon Coast. The ad was placed and heard on all the major Spanish speaking stations in the area over 120 times during GOTV. KC understood the importance of making people feel a part of something and understood the importance of exhibiting the courtesy and respect to the Latinx population for voting for Democratic Candidates. Since that time in 2012, our ad has been copied by other candidates throughout the country. Several candidates came up to me personally and said that several times Latino voters at events told them they heard the Spanish Radio ad. None of this would have been possible without the support of KC Hanson.

Lisa Wenzlick

Multnomah Democrats
Former Celsi Dinner Chair

Having chaired the Multnomah Democrats Celsi Celebration in 2018 and 2019, I worked closely with KC. I honestly can say we could not have been successful without her hard work and perseverance. She raised over $65,000 in sponsorships those two years, and was my right-hand in planning, executing and energizing the donors. Not only did she make my job easier, but she was supportive and super fun to be around. One night I was stressing over ticket sales, and KC pointed to the table chart and made a circle around almost half of the tables. She said, "Don't sweat about those seats; they are claimed. They are with our sponsors!" She helped me sleep well that night!

Please re-elect KC as DPO Chair. She is a strong, motivating leader who walks the talk and gets things done. KC leads by example, by doing, and by encouraging us to lead, and we need her continued leadership. Please re-elect KC Hanson as DPO Chair!

Joey Kerns

Former DPO LGBT (Stonewall)
Caucus Chair

When I was Chair of the DPO LGBT Caucus in 2012, "Conversion Therapy" against LGBT youth was still practiced in Oregon and the LGBT Caucus went to work to change that. We moved a resolution to ban the practice through the DPO, developed legislator sponsorship, and got a bill moving in 2013. While the 2013 effort died in Committee, 2015 was a new session, and new LGBT Caucus Chair KC Hanson continued the fight with commitment and energy. In 2015, Oregon became only the 3rd state to ban the horrible practice (only Washington DC, New Jersey and California preceded Oregon). Oregon helped create national momentum. Since then, 22 more states, Puerto Rico and 110 municipalities have banned the damaging and debunked practice. Please re-elect KC so she can continue to lead and get things done!

Priscilla Smith

Crook County Democrats

The first time I met Carla “KC” Hanson was at the SCC meeting held in Prineville in the spring of 2019. Many of you will remember that contentious gathering – a debacle I hope will never be repeated. I was the newly elected chair of the Crook County Democratic Central Committee and KC’s grace under fire was beyond commendable. Because she earned my admiration and respect then and has continued to demonstrate her even-handedness in difficult situations, I support her candidacy for Chair of the Democratic Party of Oregon.

To say that KC’s tenure as DPO Chair has been difficult is, at the very least, an understatement. As a group we’ve weathered a pandemic that cancelled many of the activities we expected to have. We learned how to hold meetings in a virtual environment and accomplish great things. Through all these travails, her leadership skills have grown. However, because of the pandemic and its effects, many of the things she hoped to accomplish remain undone.

She works tirelessly to help elect Democrats up and down the ballot – evidenced by Oregon having the highest voter turnout percentage in the country in November 2022. She works hand in hand with our electeds and county party officials as we work together to ensure that all are treated equally. Her outreach to the rural parts of our state have been many, including traveling to meetings and events that required many hours behind the wheel. Those of us in the hinterlands appreciate those efforts, but there is still work to be done and she is committed to accomplishing more. Let’s give her a chance to finish this work!

I support KC in her bid for a final term as our party leader and I ask you to support her as well.

Larry Symonds

Philanthropy Officer
Progressive Animal Welfare

It is a pleasure to share my hearty, full endorsement of Carla (KC) Hanson. I had the great good fortune to meet and honor to work with KC when I was serving as Development Director for HCAO (Health Care for All Oregon). We met as we worked together, in the summer and fall of 2017, on a signature event to raise much needed funds for and expand awareness of the important work being done by HCAO.

KC’s extraordinary skills at organizing and steadfast follow-through were instrumental in the success of the event and in raising more money than any previous event. Just as importantly, KC helped expand our audience as well as the network of volunteers necessary for any volunteer effort. I can truly say, we would not have succeeded without her and I would call on her with out hesitation to lead any future efforts.

KC is both an amazing person and an incredible resource to any organization fortunate enough to have her on their team.

Grant County
SCC Delegation

Adele Cerny
Mark Cerny
(at the 2019 Summit
receiving the DPO Award
for Excellence in
Rural Organizing)

Susan Church

Rick Minster

As Democrats, many of us want the same thing – to elect Democratic candidates, build a strong state party, and develop thriving county parties. KC has worked tirelessly to accomplish these goals, and has exhibited the utmost in ethics and professionalism at all levels. She has led with grace and impartiality while working through difficult situations and issues facing the party. Leadership is a lonely place, and it is bracketed and guided by law and bylaws, bylaws which are both the creation of and the frustration to the SCC itself.

Yet under extraordinary challenges, KC’s positive style of leadership shows in all of her actions, and she has led the Democratic Party in two extremely successful elections when the odds were heavily stacked against us.

Her outreach to those of us in rural Oregon has been exceptional. She shows up and works in our counties for meetings, Pride events, fundraisers, etc. She actively works to connect all county parties with resources at the state and national level; e.g. the recent NEA presentation about school board elections. She is always available to answer questions and concerns.

KC’s strong leadership and team player approach will be integral to our success in 2024 elections. Her track record shows it. We, the SCC delegation of Grant County, wholeheartedly support KC Hanson in her bid for her final term as Chair of the DPO. Please join us in voting for KC!

Let's Keep Our Momentum Going!

Hi Friends, As the Chair of the Democratic Party of Oregon, I have been challenged and humbled by the demands and opportunities of this po...